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shuffle-groups: Shuffle values in a categorical sample metadata column.ΒΆ


Usage: qiime metadata shuffle-groups [OPTIONS]

  Create one or more categorical sample metadata columns by shuffling the
  values in an input metadata column. To avoid confusion, the column name and
  values will be derived from the provided prefixes. The number of different
  values (or groups), and the counts of each value, will match the input
  metadata column but the association of values with sample ids will be
  random. These data will be written to an artifact that can be used as sample

  --m-metadata-file METADATA
  --m-metadata-column COLUMN  MetadataColumn[Categorical]
                         Categorical metadata column to shuffle.    [required]
  --p-n-columns INTEGER  The number of shuffled metadata columns to create.
                                                                  [default: 3]
  --p-md-column-name-prefix TEXT
                         Prefix to use in naming the shuffled metadata
                         columns.              [default: 'shuffled.grouping.']
  --p-md-column-values-prefix TEXT
                         Prefix to use in naming the values in the shuffled
                         metadata columns.            [default: '']
  --p-encode-sample-size / --p-no-encode-sample-size
                         If true, the sample size of each metadata group will
                         be appended to the shuffled metadata column values.
                                                              [default: False]
  --o-shuffled-groups ARTIFACT SampleData[ArtificialGrouping]
                         Randomized metadata columns                [required]
  --output-dir PATH      Output unspecified results to a directory
  --verbose / --quiet    Display verbose output to stdout and/or stderr
                         during execution of this action. Or silence output if
                         execution is successful (silence is golden).
  --example-data PATH    Write example data and exit.
  --citations            Show citations and exit.
  --help                 Show this message and exit.


from qiime2.plugins.metadata.methods import shuffle_groups


Shuffle values in a categorical sample metadata column.

Create one or more categorical sample metadata columns by shuffling the
values in an input metadata column. To avoid confusion, the column name and
values will be derived from the provided prefixes. The number of different
values (or groups), and the counts of each value, will match the input
metadata column but the association of values with sample ids will be
random. These data will be written to an artifact that can be used as
sample metadata.

metadata : MetadataColumn[Categorical]
    Categorical metadata column to shuffle.
n_columns : Int, optional
    The number of shuffled metadata columns to create.
md_column_name_prefix : Str, optional
    Prefix to use in naming the shuffled metadata columns.
md_column_values_prefix : Str, optional
    Prefix to use in naming the values in the shuffled metadata columns.
encode_sample_size : Bool, optional
    If true, the sample size of each metadata group will be appended to the
    shuffled metadata column values.

shuffled_groups : SampleData[ArtificialGrouping]
    Randomized metadata columns