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filter-samples: Filter samples from table


Usage: qiime feature-table filter-samples [OPTIONS]

  Filter samples from table based on frequency and/or metadata. Any features
  with a frequency of zero after sample filtering will also be removed. See
  the filtering tutorial on for additional details.

  --i-table ARTIFACT FeatureTable[Frequency¹ | RelativeFrequency² |
    PresenceAbsence³ | Composition⁴]
                       The feature table from which samples should be
                       filtered.                                    [required]
  --p-min-frequency INTEGER
                       The minimum total frequency that a sample must have to
                       be retained.                               [default: 0]
  --p-max-frequency INTEGER
                       The maximum total frequency that a sample can have to
                       be retained. If no value is provided this will default
                       to infinity (i.e., no maximum frequency filter will be
                       applied).                                    [optional]
  --p-min-features INTEGER
                       The minimum number of features that a sample must have
                       to be retained.                            [default: 0]
  --p-max-features INTEGER
                       The maximum number of features that a sample can have
                       to be retained. If no value is provided this will
                       default to infinity (i.e., no maximum feature filter
                       will be applied).                            [optional]
  --m-metadata-file METADATA...
    (multiple          Sample metadata used with `where` parameter when
     arguments will    selecting samples to retain, or with `exclude-ids` when
     be merged)        selecting samples to discard.                [optional]
  --p-where TEXT       SQLite WHERE clause specifying sample metadata
                       criteria that must be met to be included in the
                       filtered feature table. If not provided, all samples in
                       `metadata` that are also in the feature table will be
                       retained.                                    [optional]
  --p-exclude-ids / --p-no-exclude-ids
                       If true, the samples selected by `metadata` or `where`
                       parameters will be excluded from the filtered table
                       instead of being retained.             [default: False]
  --p-filter-empty-features / --p-no-filter-empty-features
                       If true, features which are not present in any
                       retained samples are dropped.           [default: True]
  --p-allow-empty-table / --p-no-allow-empty-table
                       If true, the filtered table may be empty. Default
                       behavior is to raise an error if the filtered table is
                       empty.                                 [default: False]
  --o-filtered-table ARTIFACT FeatureTable[Frequency¹ | RelativeFrequency²
    | PresenceAbsence³ | Composition⁴]
                       The resulting feature table filtered by sample.
  --output-dir PATH    Output unspecified results to a directory
  --verbose / --quiet  Display verbose output to stdout and/or stderr during
                       execution of this action. Or silence output if
                       execution is successful (silence is golden).
  --example-data PATH  Write example data and exit.
  --citations          Show citations and exit.
  --help               Show this message and exit.

  # ### example: filter to subject1
  qiime feature-table filter-samples \
    --i-table feature-table.qza \
    --m-metadata-file sample-metadata.tsv \
    --p-where '[subject]="subject-1"' \
    --o-filtered-table filtered-table.qza

  # ### example: filter to skin
  qiime feature-table filter-samples \
    --i-table feature-table.qza \
    --m-metadata-file sample-metadata.tsv \
    --p-where '[body-site] IN ("left palm", "right palm")' \
    --o-filtered-table filtered-table.qza

  # ### example: filter to subject1 gut
  qiime feature-table filter-samples \
    --i-table feature-table.qza \
    --m-metadata-file sample-metadata.tsv \
    --p-where '[subject]="subject-1" AND [body-site]="gut"' \
    --o-filtered-table filtered-table.qza

  # ### example: filter to gut or abx
  qiime feature-table filter-samples \
    --i-table feature-table.qza \
    --m-metadata-file sample-metadata.tsv \
    --p-where '[body-site]="gut" OR [reported-antibiotic-usage]="Yes"' \
    --o-filtered-table filtered-table.qza

  # ### example: filter to subject1 not gut
  qiime feature-table filter-samples \
    --i-table feature-table.qza \
    --m-metadata-file sample-metadata.tsv \
    --p-where '[subject]="subject-1" AND NOT [body-site]="gut"' \
    --o-filtered-table filtered-table.qza

  # ### example: filter min features
  qiime feature-table filter-samples \
    --i-table feature-table.qza \
    --p-min-features 10 \
    --o-filtered-table filtered-table.qza

  # ### example: filter min frequency
  qiime feature-table filter-samples \
    --i-table feature-table.qza \
    --p-min-frequency 1500 \
    --o-filtered-table filtered-table.qza


from qiime2.plugins.feature_table.methods import filter_samples


Filter samples from table

Filter samples from table based on frequency and/or metadata. Any features
with a frequency of zero after sample filtering will also be removed. See
the filtering tutorial on for additional details.

table : FeatureTable[Frequency¹ | RelativeFrequency² | PresenceAbsence³ | Composition⁴]
    The feature table from which samples should be filtered.
min_frequency : Int, optional
    The minimum total frequency that a sample must have to be retained.
max_frequency : Int, optional
    The maximum total frequency that a sample can have to be retained. If
    no value is provided this will default to infinity (i.e., no maximum
    frequency filter will be applied).
min_features : Int, optional
    The minimum number of features that a sample must have to be retained.
max_features : Int, optional
    The maximum number of features that a sample can have to be retained.
    If no value is provided this will default to infinity (i.e., no maximum
    feature filter will be applied).
metadata : Metadata, optional
    Sample metadata used with `where` parameter when selecting samples to
    retain, or with `exclude_ids` when selecting samples to discard.
where : Str, optional
    SQLite WHERE clause specifying sample metadata criteria that must be
    met to be included in the filtered feature table. If not provided, all
    samples in `metadata` that are also in the feature table will be
exclude_ids : Bool, optional
    If true, the samples selected by `metadata` or `where` parameters will
    be excluded from the filtered table instead of being retained.
filter_empty_features : Bool, optional
    If true, features which are not present in any retained samples are
allow_empty_table : Bool, optional
    If true, the filtered table may be empty. Default behavior is to raise
    an error if the filtered table is empty.

filtered_table : FeatureTable[Frequency¹ | RelativeFrequency² | PresenceAbsence³ | Composition⁴]
    The resulting feature table filtered by sample.