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alpha-rarefaction: Alpha rarefaction curvesΒΆ


Usage: qiime diversity alpha-rarefaction [OPTIONS]

  Generate interactive alpha rarefaction curves by computing rarefactions
  between `min_depth` and `max_depth`. The number of intermediate depths to
  compute is controlled by the `steps` parameter, with n `iterations` being
  computed at each rarefaction depth. If sample metadata is provided, samples
  may be grouped based on distinct values within a metadata column.

  --i-table ARTIFACT FeatureTable[Frequency]
                          Feature table to compute rarefaction curves from.
  --i-phylogeny ARTIFACT  Optional phylogeny for phylogenetic metrics.
    Phylogeny[Rooted]                                               [optional]
  --p-max-depth INTEGER   The maximum rarefaction depth. Must be greater than
    Range(1, None)        min-depth.                                [required]
  --p-metrics TEXT... Choices('ace', 'berger_parker_d', 'brillouin_d',
    'chao1', 'dominance', 'doubles', 'enspie', 'faith_pd', 'fisher_alpha',
    'gini_index', 'goods_coverage', 'heip_e', 'lladser_pe', 'margalef',
    'mcintosh_d', 'mcintosh_e', 'menhinick', 'michaelis_menten_fit',
    'observed_features', 'pielou_e', 'robbins', 'shannon', 'simpson',
    'simpson_e', 'singles')
                          The metrics to be measured. By default computes
                          observed_features, shannon, and if phylogeny is
                          provided, faith_pd.                       [optional]
  --m-metadata-file METADATA...
    (multiple arguments   The sample metadata.
     will be merged)                                                [optional]
  --p-min-depth INTEGER   The minimum rarefaction depth.
    Range(1, None)                                                [default: 1]
  --p-steps INTEGER       The number of rarefaction depths to include between
    Range(2, None)        min-depth and max-depth.               [default: 10]
  --p-iterations INTEGER  The number of rarefied feature tables to compute at
    Range(1, None)        each step.                             [default: 10]
  --o-visualization VISUALIZATION
  --output-dir PATH       Output unspecified results to a directory
  --verbose / --quiet     Display verbose output to stdout and/or stderr
                          during execution of this action. Or silence output
                          if execution is successful (silence is golden).
  --example-data PATH     Write example data and exit.
  --citations             Show citations and exit.
  --help                  Show this message and exit.


from qiime2.plugins.diversity.visualizers import alpha_rarefaction


Alpha rarefaction curves

Generate interactive alpha rarefaction curves by computing rarefactions
between `min_depth` and `max_depth`. The number of intermediate depths to
compute is controlled by the `steps` parameter, with n `iterations` being
computed at each rarefaction depth. If sample metadata is provided, samples
may be grouped based on distinct values within a metadata column.

table : FeatureTable[Frequency]
    Feature table to compute rarefaction curves from.
max_depth : Int % Range(1, None)
    The maximum rarefaction depth. Must be greater than min_depth.
phylogeny : Phylogeny[Rooted], optional
    Optional phylogeny for phylogenetic metrics.
metrics : Set[Str % Choices('ace', 'berger_parker_d', 'brillouin_d', 'chao1', 'dominance', 'doubles', 'enspie', 'faith_pd', 'fisher_alpha', 'gini_index', 'goods_coverage', 'heip_e', 'lladser_pe', 'margalef', 'mcintosh_d', 'mcintosh_e', 'menhinick', 'michaelis_menten_fit', 'observed_features', 'pielou_e', 'robbins', 'shannon', 'simpson', 'simpson_e', 'singles')], optional
    The metrics to be measured. By default computes observed_features,
    shannon, and if phylogeny is provided, faith_pd.
metadata : Metadata, optional
    The sample metadata.
min_depth : Int % Range(1, None), optional
    The minimum rarefaction depth.
steps : Int % Range(2, None), optional
    The number of rarefaction depths to include between min_depth and
iterations : Int % Range(1, None), optional
    The number of rarefied feature tables to compute at each step.

visualization : Visualization