Usage: qiime vizard boxplot [OPTIONS]
Basic boxplot for visualizing a numeric Metadata measure grouped by a
categorical Metadata measure with choices for the whisker range.
--m-metadata-file METADATA...
(multiple arguments Any metadata-like input with at least one numeric
will be merged) measure and one categorical measure for visualizing.
--p-distribution-measure TEXT
The numeric measure that will be used to create
each box plot distribution. [required]
--p-group-by TEXT The categorical measure that will be used to group
the data into separate box plots. If left blank, all
data will be represented within a single box.
--p-whisker-range TEXT Choices('tukeys_iqr', 'percentile', 'minmax')
The range that will be used for calculating the
whisker lengths for each box. Options are
`tukeys_iqr` (1.5 IQR clamped to the data extent),
`percentile` (91th/9th percentile), or `minmax`. Any
data points that fall outside of the chosen range
will be represented as outliers that are plotted as
circular points, unless the `suppressOutliers`
checkbox has been enabled on the rendered
visualization. [default: 'percentile']
--p-box-orientation TEXT Choices('horizontal', 'vertical')
The visual orientataion of the boxes (either
horizontal or vertical). [default: 'horizontal']
--p-title TEXT The title of the boxplot. [optional]
--o-visualization VISUALIZATION
--output-dir PATH Output unspecified results to a directory
--verbose / --quiet Display verbose output to stdout and/or stderr
during execution of this action. Or silence output
if execution is successful (silence is golden).
--example-data PATH Write example data and exit.
--citations Show citations and exit.
--use-cache DIRECTORY Specify the cache to be used for the intermediate
work of this action. If not provided, the default
cache under $TMP/qiime2/ will be used.
IMPORTANT FOR HPC USERS: If you are on an HPC system
and are using parallel execution it is important to
set this to a location that is globally accessible
to all nodes in the cluster.
--help Show this message and exit.
from qiime2.plugins.vizard.visualizers import boxplot
Basic boxplot for visualizing a numeric Metadata measure grouped by a
categorical Metadata measure with choices for the whisker range.
metadata : Metadata
Any metadata-like input with at least one numeric measure and one
categorical measure for visualizing.
distribution_measure : Str
The numeric measure that will be used to create each box plot
group_by : Str, optional
The categorical measure that will be used to group the data into
separate box plots. If left blank, all data will be represented within
a single box.
whisker_range : Str % Choices('tukeys_iqr', 'percentile', 'minmax'), optional
The range that will be used for calculating the whisker lengths for
each box. Options are `tukeys_iqr` (1.5 IQR clamped to the data
extent), `percentile` (91th/9th percentile), or `minmax`. Any data
points that fall outside of the chosen range will be represented as
outliers that are plotted as circular points, unless the
`suppressOutliers` checkbox has been enabled on the rendered
box_orientation : Str % Choices('horizontal', 'vertical'), optional
The visual orientataion of the boxes (either horizontal or vertical).
title : Str, optional
The title of the boxplot.
visualization : Visualization