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subsample-fasta: Subsample an indicated number of sequences from a FASTA file.


Usage: qiime rescript subsample-fasta [OPTIONS]

  Subsample a set of sequences (either plain or aligned DNA)based on a
  fraction of original sequences.

  --i-sequences ARTIFACT FeatureData[AlignedSequence¹ | Sequence²]
                          Sequences to subsample from.              [required]
  --p-subsample-size PROPORTION Range(0, 1, inclusive_start=False,
    inclusive_end=True)   Size of the random sample as a fraction of the
                          total count                           [default: 0.1]
  --p-random-seed INTEGER Seed to be used for random sampling.
    Range(1, None)                                                [default: 1]
  --o-sample-sequences ARTIFACT FeatureData[AlignedSequence¹ | Sequence²]
                          Sample of original sequences.             [required]
  --output-dir PATH       Output unspecified results to a directory
  --verbose / --quiet     Display verbose output to stdout and/or stderr
                          during execution of this action. Or silence output
                          if execution is successful (silence is golden).
  --example-data PATH     Write example data and exit.
  --citations             Show citations and exit.
  --use-cache DIRECTORY   Specify the cache to be used for the intermediate
                          work of this action. If not provided, the default
                          cache under $TMP/qiime2/ will be used.
                          IMPORTANT FOR HPC USERS: If you are on an HPC system
                          and are using parallel execution it is important to
                          set this to a location that is globally accessible
                          to all nodes in the cluster.
  --help                  Show this message and exit.


from qiime2.plugins.rescript.methods import subsample_fasta


Subsample an indicated number of sequences from a FASTA file.

Subsample a set of sequences (either plain or aligned DNA)based on a
fraction of original sequences.

sequences : FeatureData[AlignedSequence¹ | Sequence²]
    Sequences to subsample from.
subsample_size : Float % Range(0, 1, inclusive_start=False, inclusive_end=True), optional
    Size of the random sample as a fraction of the total count
random_seed : Int % Range(1, None), optional
    Seed to be used for random sampling.

sample_sequences : FeatureData[AlignedSequence¹ | Sequence²]
    Sample of original sequences.