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QIIME 2 documentation

This site is the official source of information on QIIME™ 2, including installation instructions, tutorials, and other documentation. Visit for information on QIIME™ 1.


QIIME 2 is in its alpha release phase. Since it is alpha software, it is not necessarily stable or complete. Commands, functionality, interfaces, and documentation will change as the software reaches beta status. QIIME 1 is still the recommended platform for microbiome analyses as it is relatively stable, feature-complete, and supports high-performance computing environments. QIIME 1 will continue to be supported through the end of 2017 to allow QIIME 2 to stabilize and users to transition to using this new software. Please give QIIME 2 a try and let us know how it can be improved by creating an issue on our issue tracker.

Ported Wiki documentation

The following pages were ported from our pre-release Wiki. The information on these pages may be out of date, and the links to these pages should not be considered stable. As we update these pages we’ll remove them from this section and integrate them into the site.